Ex chef warns about the dangerous cooking hacks you need to stop doing
WITH almost 700 million active users, TikTok has become home for many hack videos – from beauty to cleaning, it seems as if there’s a solution for almost anything.
But while some of these are harmless, an ex-chef has issued a warning, urging users to be careful when stumbling upon crafty videos.
”These are all wrong and basically dangerous,” claimed Pete, whose TikTok reaction videos have attracted over 400 thousand followers.
”seriously did anyone think about these critically for ONE second,” the ex-chef, from California, was wondering.
Some of these viral hacks were created by the social media megastar, Isabella Avila, whose account boasts 17 million followers.
Although her hacks have taken the internet by storm, Pete believed these were highly risky.
One of the most dangerous, according to him, was flipping the pan rather than the food that’s cooking.
”If you do this with your pan, all the oil will hit your burners and catch on fire,” he explained.
Another hack that he deemed as hazardous involved a can opener.
In Isabelle’s video, which has 5.7 million likes, she suggested swapping the traditional method of placing it sideways with putting it flat on top.
”Why are so many people having difficulty opening a can?”
This tip, the ex-chef said, will only dull the blade and eventually break it.
”All you need to do is leave this little bit here, tilt it up.
”This is super easy to remove,” Pete went on to demonstrate.
Isabelle also recently went viral with another cooking trick – placing a wooden spoon on top of boiling water to prevent it from flowing over.
”This works because the wood is hydrophobic, which means it can’t absorb the water and instead, it just punctures the surface tension of the bubbles,” she said.
Although Pete does admit this is not inherently dangerous, there’s another way of stopping the water going over.
”All you actually have to do is just take your pot of water and turn down the temperature slightly.”
”Jayus likes to spread misinformation, that’s their whole bit,” one person described Isabelle.
”I knew most of those “cooking hacks” were dangerous because I have life experience 🙄,” another agreed.
However, there were also a few who had tried the hacks and gave a positive review, like this person: ”The way the girl opens the can has btw the cleaner cutting edge and is way easier to use..try it out first before you argue about it!!”
”I mean I think the pan thing is when you’re heating something up like a tortilla or something else not for searing,” a fellow user added.
”you can’t stop me from using a wooden spoon,” read another comment.
Meanwhile, you’ve been cleaning your greasy pans all wrong – here’s the trick to getting them spotless with barely any scrubbing.
Also, you’ve been thawing frozen food all wrong – my simple trick will defrost it quicker and it’s all about the container.
Plus, cooking whizz shows shows how to fit two pizzas on the same shelf in the oven to ensure they are ready at the same time.